Victory over sin

Sin is such a sensitive topic these days in any society due to the fact that the moment you talk about sin people go into a defensive state and very often will you hear the words “you are judging me”. The big problem with this is that so many people are afraid to touch on the topic of sin because of the judgement factor, but still sin is a topic that needs to be discussed in any Christian believer’s life. The moment sin is mentioned, it’s not always about judgement, today I want to talk to you a bit about overcoming sin and to have your victory over it.

The most important thing to remember about sin is that everyone has sinned, we are born into a sinful nature and no man ever lived can say that he has not sinned.

Romans 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 

Sin is something that the devil uses to get us away from God, the sin in its self is not always the thing keeping us away, but the guilt that we feel when we realize that the things we did is not in God’s will. This is a strategy used by the devil since the very beginning, let’s just have a look at the story of Adam and Eve: they lived the ultimate life in the garden of Eden, spending every day in God’s presence and living the life God had intended for them. The devil came to eve and convinced her to eat from the tree of knowledge and she also gave to Adam to eat, and that went directly against what God told them so it was the first sin committed by man.

We see that after they ate from the tree they suddenly realized that they were naked and that they sinned against God, and suddenly guilt set in and they went and tried to hide from God in order to hide their shame. They felt judged before anyone even spoke a word.

This is how the devil uses guilt of our sins to keep us from Jesus. So many people don’t want to go to church or have anything to do with Christian people because of this guilt, they use the saying that people is going to judge them, while in the meantime it is the devil filling their hearts with this guilt feeling to keep them from the only one who can forgive their sins, Jesus!

Rom 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

This verse is very interesting to me because it says the wages of sin death. Wages is something that we work for, the moment that satan catches someone in the net of sin you work so hard to get out of it, and the more you work on your own, the more spiritually you die, but the gift of God is eternal life I Christ Jesus. A gift is not something you work for or something you can earn, it’s something you receive from someone out of love. God so loved the world that He send Jesus to die for you on the cross, he already got the victory over sin on the cross for you, he fought the fight for you and you have received the victory that He got. From today on you do not need to work for sin anymore, you can hand in your resignation to sin with immediate effect so it has no more right in your life anymore.

John 1:9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 

So many people see their sins as a death sentence but it is really not, all we need to do is confess our sins to Jesus and He WILL forgive us our sins. Just think about it like this for a second, Jesus left heaven, the place we all long to be, where angels were singing His praises every moment, where he sat at the right hand of the Father, to come down to the earth with all its issues, where He was rejected by His own creation, tortured and nailed to a cross, for one reason and one reason only…. To seek and to save the lost, and He did that by dying on the cross for your and for my sins, I dint think Jesus will go through all that not to forgive our sins.

No sin is too big or too small for Jesus to forgive, we as people categorizes sin into big and small sin groups and this is dangerous, sometimes people will say but this is not that wrong so its ok, and other people will say that their sins are too big to forgive, and while we are making all these excuses, Jesus is standing with His arms open wide and saying come to Me My child I want to wash your sins away. Jesus does not see the magnitude of our sins like we do, He only sees the potential He created you with and wants to wipe away your sins so that the potential inside of you can come forward.

2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.   

The moment Jesus forgives your sins, He makes you brand new, you become like a person who has never sinned in their entire life. The Forgiveness of Jesus is unmatched and I sometimes feel that it can’t be explained by human words just because of the greatness of the thing that Jesus did for us.

This all is good and well, that Jesus gave us victory over sin, he forgave us and made us new, but there is always a but. So many times in the Bible when Jesus healed people and forgave their sins, He always send them away with these words “Go and sin no more”. In John 8 we read about the woman caught in adultery, the people judged her and brought her before Jesus, because they wanted to stone her, and Jesus simply answered “let him with no sin throw the first stone”. Jesus never condemned the women od judged her, He forgave her sins and said to her “Go and sin no more”. Don’t make sin a habit, if you asked God for forgiveness don’t do it again, and I know sometimes we will fall and sin, but then you need to keep short accounts with God, don’t wait to make things right with God do it as soon as possible.

If there is any sin in your life getting you down just pray this short prayer:

“Dear Jesus, I come to you just as I am with all my sins, I ask that you will please forgive my sins and remove all unrighteousness from my life, and keep any feelings of guilt and shame away from me. I know you are the only one who can do it for me. In Jesus name … Amen”

I want to leave you with this verse just as some encouragement:

Psalm 32:1 Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. 


Evangelist Christo De Jager


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